Picture This
You had a really bad day at work. Hell, the entire week was utter crap. You worked 9-10 hour days five days straight, getting home after 8pm each night. Happy that it's Friday, all you want to do is come home, eat dinner and go to sleep, glad to not have to wake up at the ungodly hour you normally do Monday thru Friday.
Upon arrival at your doorstep you go to put the key in the lock of your front door when you notice a note stuck on the window. You peel it off, read it, and it says"
After days like today, we simply deserve each other.... |
Intrigued, you unlock and open the door to find the house completely dark. Except there are candles lighting your way down the hall, with rose petals lying in a trail, and soft music playing in the background. Giddily, you follow the path to your second floor stairway, follow the path of candles and rose petals up where it leads to your bathroom. You walk through the doorway to find your partner in the tub filled with bubble bath and rose petals. Beside the tub are more candles, some grapes in a bowl, and your favorite drinks chilled on ice.
Smiling, you say hello and give your partner a tender kiss while he helps you out of your clothes and into the tub for a relaxing time. The warmth of the water and the scent of the rose petals immediately relax you, and the sight of your partner's smiling face make you forget about whatever was troubling you. You both sit in the tub, sharing cocktails and enjoying each other's company in a most romantic setting.
After sufficient finger pruning, you leave the tub and the bathroom and move to the bedroom, where the bed is covered in rose petals, and candlelight softly illuminates the room. Your partner pours both of you a cup of warm white tea to further relax the two of you, and you both lie down on the bed. You then have the most amazing lovemaking session you've had in recent memory, and afterward bask in the afterglow and warm touch of the one person who makes you happy when all else seems like life is garbage. The evening ends with the two of you falling asleep side by side, smiling and glad to be alive.
That was my night last night. My partner Nick is one amazing man, and I am so lucky to have him in my life.